Mr Rogers Daisy Boat

Mr Rogers Daisy Boat, Submissions
Mr Rogers Daisy Boat
Photography The image is a 36x48 fuji crystal archive print adhered to TRU VUE non glare plexiglass
The image is created using a technique called Focus stacking, whereby I have shot the exact same image from a tripod 4 times ( exposures)
changing the focus point further out with each exposure. ex. 10ft, then refocus@ 20 ft, then aagain@ 20 yards.
Later in Photoshop focus stack does Auto Blend layers to create. amazing DEPTH OF FIELD, and superb Detail as long as nothing moves...

The image is from Smith's point on Nantucket and the locals say the boat has been sitting there for as long as they remember.
The boat belongs to Mr. Rogers and his family owns other property on that street.
When I first saw the boat with all the daisies around it the area was totally covered in fog, but I new there was a picture there. Rather quickly
the sun started burning through so I had to work quickly to make sure it became ... "A Beautiful day in the Neighborhood " (couldn't resist)

Submissions (Photography)    36 x 48 x 2    $4,000.00    10