William Gore

<p spellcheck="false" data-ms-editor="true"><a href="http://www.billgorephotography.com">www.billgorephotography.com</a></p>
<p spellcheck="false" data-ms-editor="true">Bill Gore grew up in Louisiana and seemed always to have a special connection to the natural sciences, the environment, and photography. He studied chemistry in college, received a Ph.D. from Syracuse University, and from there went on to work as a researcher in pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and imaging science. For a time he led a research laboratory at Polaroid and contributed to the development of new photographic media. &nbsp; His photographs have received recognition in numerous juried exhibitions. Two of his books “SWIPE” (2015) and “Side Roads” (2016) were accepted to the juried self-published photography book exhibitions PHOTOBOOK 2015 and PHOTOBOOK 2016 at the Griffin Museum of Photography. His most recent photobook project, “Chez Pierre Has MOVED” is a collection of nine handmade artist books. Recent work received Juror’s Choice Award at VCP, Best in Show at RAC and was featured in Member Spotlights at RICPS and Digits, A Parallel Universe at the Griffin Lafayette.</p><editor-squiggler style="height: 0px; width: 0px;"><style>
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